Showing posts with label forum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label forum. Show all posts

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

New Website Launch Giveaway!

Well the day has arrived!  Today the new website launches, hopefully with no glitches!! So excited!!

On the new site you will be able to find 4 shops - one for each of my collections and this is a first as some of my aluminium has been available online before, however, my silver and copper have not, so I hope you'll all find something you like.  Make sure that you tell your friends and drop heavy hints to those who might be buying for you!

To celebrate the launch I will be giving away this choker pendant from the Looking Through Stained Glass Windows collection.  It is a beautiful colour.
What do you have to do to enter the draw for this piece?  I'd like you to tell me the size of my Enchanted Forest pendant, so start searching the website and post your comments on here and I will make the draw on Monday 5th September.  Competition will close at 7pm and I will make the draw at 8pm.

Looking Through Stained Glass Windows

I am hoping to introduce a forum element to the site where a weekly topic can be discussed too which hopefully will make it interesting to all.  I really would welcome any feedback which you can leave on the Contact page. Are there any features missing that you would like to see included? Can't promise but will certainly try to include any suggestions!

I would just like to take this opportunity to thank David Muddyman for all his hair-tearing hard work on adding the graphics to the site, he's lovely!! He's had a really great week too, with a gallery in Penzance taking 10 of his paintings in one fell swoop!!! Yay!!!

In other news I cried yesterday, seeing my beautiful daughter in her wedding dress at the fitting - yep - proud Mum!

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Challenges, Changes and Cherry Cheesecake!

Phew - well last week's blog was an exciting time! I had some lovely comments from people entering the competition, a few new followers and you seemed to enjoy the challenge of searching through for the name of the collection that features on my background and you all got it right!

So challenges and changes are my theme for this week's blog.

My greatest challenge at the moment is that I still can't make my jewellery although my shoulder is finally beginning to improve, so hopefully the day won't be too far away! Luckily I was aware that I wouldn't be able to make anything for some time so I stockpiled before I had surgery and I can confirm that I will be launching my new website with a new aluminium collection or two. Just wait until you see mouthwatering Cherry Cheesecake and Surf's Up!

Cherry Cheesecake - but what is it?

That was a neat little link there to the changes ahead on the new website and the challenges it's bought me (and my husband!).  It was supposed to be so simple, but inevitably, it wasn't!  You can, however, expect on the new site to see a shop for each of my collections, Waves, Impressions, Colour & Texture and Aluminium. I'm also hoping to get a forum going with a different subject for discussion each week if possible but we'll wait and see how good the take up is on that.

The other challenge I've had this week is finding another artist to collaborate with.  I'm looking for designers who produce something out of the ordinary and I have emailed a couple of people whose designs are stunning and totally different from anything else I've ever seen.  I really hope I hear back from them soon, however, I shall carry on looking anyway and if anyone has a suggestion I will gladly take a look and see if it fits in with my own work.

So, hopefully before my next blog we shall be up and running on the new site and may be able to celebrate the launch in some way - another competition do you think?