Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

How Do Galleries Find Artists?

Hello again folks!

Funny old weather this! I've been away to see my family and en route got diverted because of floods, saw another 4 closed roads that had me doubling back on myself more than once and finally ended up in a storm.  Saturday morning saw us diverted yet again for major flooding - my hearts go out to those affected.  It's supposed to be summer....... when's it going to happen????  Come on weather get your act together!  I'm really fed up of wearing my winter clothes!

Today has been another day where I've been thinking about what to do next.  I need some more galleries to stock my work - those that already stock me are showing good sales, but I really need more spread across the country.  I'd love to know how others approach stockists - I fear there is a magic formula unknown to me!! I've tried asking in the past, but that hasn't always worked either! Is there a way to become un-shy when approaching sellers? How do galleries find their new talent? I'm open to ideas so do let me know!

This weekend sees the opening of the Flameworks Summer Exhibition 'Pushing The Boat Out' at the Relegacy Gallery, New Street, The Barbican, Plymouth.  I've submitted work, but won't actually know what (if anything) will be included until I get there.  My husband, David Muddyman, is also hoping to exhibit this time so we'll keep our fingers crossed. For those interested the exhibition runs from 21st until the 29th July and is closed on Mondays.

Over the next week I plan to work on dyeing some new designs (preferably without the black thumb debacle of last time *note to self, buy sturdier gloves) and cutting them into some very exciting designs.  I'd really like to see if I could combine bronze with aluminium......... ideas............. watch this space!! And remember, you saw it here first!

Finally, did you all tell your other halves that if they really loved you they'd buy you a Shades Of Grey pendant? If not, whyever not? Direct them here with indecent haste!!!

See you all next week!